UFOs Over North Bay Ontario Canada

Date: 2008
Time: Day and night.

Location of Sighting: North Bay Ontario.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of Objects: Numerous.
Shape of Objects: Unknown.

Full Description of Event/Sighting: I don't know the dates, but these 2 things occurred during the summer months of 2008. I live in North Bay Ontario. One night, my then 16 year old son woke me in the middle of the night. He was panicked and pale and asking me to please come outside right now, because if I didn't I would think he was crazy and he knew he wasn't going crazy. I was alarmed, he is a meek quiet kid. I ran outside barefoot in my pj's. He grabbed my arm and he was shaking like a leaf and pointing to the sky. He said something like, OMG I thought they'd be gone and you'd think I was crazy. What are they mom? and so on (very panicked and really, freaking out in general).

It took a minute or so for my eyes to focus (lots of stars). I admit I am the person to think "balloon, satellite, military" (we live about 2 miles from the air base, which we resided directly in for years until a few years ago). I have no clue what we were watching, but I was pretty quickly shaken like my son and we had some panicked conversation about what the heck is it we are watching. I can't rightly describe it even.

We saw moving lights in the sky. Nothing like a shape, they were very high up. And not clustered together. They were honestly just streaking across the sky, then they'd hover and just not move for as much as 30 seconds, then suddenly just appear to zoom across the sky and we'd have to move our heads quickly to try to keep an eye on where they'd end up.

At first we thought there were 2. Over a period of about 30 minutes we realized there were many. We calculated we could for sure say there were 5-6, but might have been more. We didn't calculate the ones that we couldn't be sure hadn't been counted.

They moved in ways that we couldn't figure out. We were running our mouths the whole time. Planes? No way. Too fast, no trails behind, cant hover like they did, can't move in the fashion these were. Satellite? Well they don't flash across the sky up and down, loop, back and forth. We still wonder what the heck we saw. I can say that my son is the biggest skeptic of anything in the world that isn't scientifically plausible. I'm more open minded, however I am a die hard skeptic always thinking rational explanations are out there.

This incident scared the pants off both of us. My son hates talking about it even now. The creepy part for him was that he is a deep sleeper and he woke up because he said there was a bright flash in his bedroom and his eyes opened and he looked at the window beside his bed (basement window, so from laying in bed his view is up toward the sky) and saw something streak by and that is what made him go outside.

I forget how much later, maybe a month or two? I was outside in the middle of the afternoon and planting flowers. I am not a sky watcher at all, but I saw something out of corner of my eye that seemed bright and moving. I thought perhaps a military jet, which are always cool to see as we're so close to the airport. I looked around and saw several bright lights, not together, but spread out and sort of moving around the sky. I realized something was weird when suddenly one of the lights just raced across the sky and I had to physically turn a ways to keep following it, then it just stopped and was still again. The other 2 were in the original place, sort of moving around a bit but not alot.

I came inside and told my son that I don't know what the heck this is, but something weird is in the sky so he needed to come outside because he would think I was crazy this time. He didn't want to come at all. He really does hate thinking about the night I explained above. I convinced him, probably because I was a bit rattled.

We ended up watching these things move around the sky for a good 15 minutes, standing right in the center of the road outside our apartment. They at one point started moving faster and farther apart from each other and going wider distances back and forth kind of. We saw one go above a cloud and disappear. One we just lost track of and couldn't find again. That left one, which we watched for maybe 2-3 minutes and then it suddenly just launched across the sky. It seemed blurry almost it was going so fast. My son and I were pretty calm through all of it, again trying to figure out what the heck we were seeing. Figuring out no answer to that. But that last one going off the way it did had my son rattled and saying it disappeared at the speed you see in movies of missiles being launched. A weird aspect of that afternoon was it was mid summer and very bright daylight. It was very odd to see such bright lights in the sky given the sun.

We've only ever told a couple of people. Who wants to be laughed at? And really, who knows, maybe the military has stuff that can move in incredible formations at that speed. But it was truly weird.

Just wanted to share that with you after stumbling across this site today. A few times since then I've done online searches to see if there's anything on the web from others around here who saw either of these events. Finding your site, I thought I'd send this along and maybe if you ever hear of something similar in this area you'd let me know. I should say I'm horrible with dates, so could be wrong about exactly when this happened. But it was warm as the night time one we were outside barefoot and in pjs. And the daytime one I was planting flowers.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Credit: The Vike Archives & Sightings.com